
Anorak News | Simple Simon

Simple Simon

by | 10th, March 2004

‘YOU can say what you like about Simon Cowell – and anyone who foisted Westlife on the world deserves his fair share of opprobrium – but he certainly has a talent not only for knowing what the public likes but also for giving it to them.

A big screaming nellie in a grey T-shirt

A couple of years ago, he was unknown outside the music business, but such has been his success on Pop Idol and then on American Idol that there is even talk of him becoming the star of his own cartoon series.

As a judge in Pop Idol, Cowell was happy to cast himself as the pantomime villain and did so with such aplomb that he is now worth millions after achieving what few of his bands could do, making himself a household name in the United States.

Tonight, he talks to Mirror editor Piers Morgan in another edition of Tabloid Tales about his transformation from a glorified A&R man to TV’s Mr Nasty and how the papers have treated him during that time.

Max Clifford may be a fan, but not every one is. Tony Parsons calls Cowell “a big screaming nellie in a black T-shirt”. True enough – but a very successful nellie at that.’

Posted: 10th, March 2004 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink