
Anorak News | Boobie Trap

Boobie Trap

by | 12th, March 2004

‘WHEN Jordan was considering having one of her many breast enlargement operations, she enlisted the Sun’s millions of readers to help her make up her mind.

Inflate to desired size

Should she or should she not commandeer yet more of the world’s fast-dwindling silicone supply to boost her chest size from a mere KK to a MM.

“No,” came back the response loud and clear from the jury – advice which the model promptly ignored as she went under the surgeon’s knife again.

We mention this only because this morning the Sun asks its readers once again for their verdict on Jordan’s fellow glamour model Jerri Byrne’s new DD boobs.

And we confidently predict that once again the men and women of Britain will come down firmly on the side of ‘le look naturel’.

Not that it will make any difference in this case either, because Jerri has already made her proverbial bed and had the op.

If there was any doubt whether the new boobs would get a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down, the Sun has no doubt where it stands on this issue.

“Do Jerri’s extraordinary new breasts look like God’s gift to mankind or a £4,000 sili-con?” it asks.

“They look like a couple of upturned pudding bowls – and they are so far apart it seems like they have had a row.”

But 21-year-old Jerri, who decided to have the operation after a holiday in the South of France with Jordan, is delighted with the results.

“Her boobs feel so natural, like normal breasts,” she said. “They’re not hard at all and they’re lovely and round and she’s got lots of sensitivity too.

“When I saw photos of us together, I thought: ‘Oh God, I’m just a pair of walking nipples next to her!’ Without a bra on your boobs fall naturally but I wanted that all over plump look.”

It’s not a look that finds favour with the Sun’s jury of boob experts and enthusiasts.

“Jerri should have saved her swag and let them sag,” says Sun columnist Dominic Mohan.

“Jerri looked lovely before and I can’t imagine why she decided to have the operation,” opines Page 3 snapper Alan Strutt.

And Erica Davies, the paper’s fashion editor, warns that a fake chest attracts the wrong sort of man – “the kind that frequents lap dancing clubs”.

Or reads the Sun…’

Posted: 12th, March 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink