
Anorak News | Satisfaction, Satisfaction, Satisfaction

Satisfaction, Satisfaction, Satisfaction

by | 19th, March 2004

‘DO you know what the best job in the world is? Correct! It is being a celebrity mum.

Laugh at estate agents and the world laughs with you

But it’s a route not open to just anyone, so the survey into the best jobs in the world compiled by the City And Guilds training body left it out of its list.

Which means that the best job in the entire universe, according to the Sun, is…a care worker.

Care workers are just about the happiest workers anywhere, with 40% of those polled saying they enjoy doing what they do nine to five.

In second place, are hairdressers (32%), beating off the challenge of plumbers (32%), chefs (30%) and florists (20%).

But what about the least happy workers. Who do you think they are? Happily, they are estate agents, of which miserable group only 4% are happy in their day-to-day jobs.

This figure, however, shows considerable room for redevelopment, and with some careful planning, estate agents might yet climb the satisfaction ladder and gazump media workers, pharmacists and accountants, who all lie on a stagnant 4%.

It seems that the more hands-on jobs are the most rewarding, as Chris Humphries, director general at City & Guilds, tells the Mail.

“As our research proves, it’s often people in vocational careers that are most contented and fulfilled…

“A lot of employers are starting to realise that job satisfaction is more important than any other consideration, including money.”

Although not to estate agents…’

Posted: 19th, March 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink