
Anorak News | Child’s Play

Child’s Play

by | 30th, March 2004

‘WHAT if you went into work and all your colleagues were dressed in romper suits? What if you went round to a friend’s house for dinner and were served fish fingers and baked beans?

Tweenies – The Director’s Cut

What if prime time on television was jammed with programmes like The Tweenies and Thomas The Tank Engine? What if your partner invited you round for a game of hide and seek?

Would you not think that something had gone a bit wrong if everyone around you started acting like children?

So, why is it acceptable for grown men and women to read Harry Potter? We have no great opinion on whether the JK Rowling books are any good or not, but we do know one thing about them – they’re for children.

And Linda Smith was quite right on Room 101 last night when she nominated for destruction those among us who think it is acceptable to read the same books as a six-year-old.

It’s not a question of being in touch with the inner child or anything like that; it’s just sad. Time to grow up and read something written for grown-ups. And that doesn’t include Lord Of The Rings…’

Posted: 30th, March 2004 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink