
Anorak News | Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

by | 5th, April 2004

‘IT’S groundhog day again. ‘NANNY STATE CISSIES 1, JUNIOR FOOTIE STARS 0’ says the Star.

Scots celebrate another 0-0 win

Wasn’t that last week? Didn’t someone say that junior games won by more that 14-0 shouldn’t be reported in the local paper?

Yes they did. But this is different. Now the score won’t be hushed up – it will be altered during the match to even things up.

To spare kids the trauma of losing by getting rid of trophies for winners, and setting the score back to 0-0 in matches where one side is more than 5-0 up.

The initiative comes from Scotland and represents an open goal for English satirists, but to be fair (as we say in football circles) even the Scottish Schools Football Association is aghast at the idea.

‘This is not reality,’ said SSFA president Alan Smith.

Wake up, Alan, it’s the future and you know it.’

Posted: 5th, April 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink