
Anorak News | Club Dead

Club Dead

by | 14th, April 2004

‘THERE are few sights more guaranteed to turn people’s stomach than the mass seal cull currently taking place in Canada.

Bloody cruelty

And readers of the Independent can be excused if they don’t feel much like breakfast this morning after looking at the paper’s front-page picture of blood-drenched snow.

Anti-cull campaigners claim that the Canadian authorities have deliberately prevented the media or independent observers from witnessing the slaughter because they are aware of the controversy it generates.

But Rebecca Aldworth, a woman who grew up in a Newfoundland fishing village, describes what it is like.

‘There is blood everywhere,’ she says. ‘Every few feet as you walk across the ice, you pass by large pools of blood and carcasses lined up in open graves.

‘Their eyes stare up at you. It’s a dirty little secret the Canadian government doesn’t want you to know.’

Maybe, this is what members of a group called the Captive Animals Protection Society should be protesting about, instead of the Easter Monday demonstration they held outside Colchester Zoo.

The Telegraph reports that one woman among the 15 protesters made so much noise yelling through a loudspeaker that she caused five young sea lions to become distressed.

And – in a delicious irony – the zoo called in the police who are now investigating for causing unnecessary suffering to animals under the 1911 Protection Of Animals Act.’

Posted: 14th, April 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink