
Anorak News | Grin And Share It

Grin And Share It

by | 29th, April 2004

‘THE Mail’s cunning editorial plot to make out our country is on its knees and so put off foreigners from coming here was ever ambitious.

A typical day in Britain

For years, the men and women at the Mail have been hoping that Johnny and Jane Foreigner would read their stories and believe the message that Britons can get cancer from voting Labour, running over hedgehogs and watching EastEnders.

The paper hoped the outsiders would be deterred from coming once they’d heard of the shameful decision to scrub this year’s three-legged race at a Midlands primary school for fear of upsetting tripeds.

But it was always a forlorn hope. The real Britain of giving, sharing and love would always shine through the grime and disease, and so it has today.

News is that a cash machine embedded into the wall at the Urmston branch of the Halifax bank has been giving out an additional £20 with every transaction.

A taxi driver, one of the many who dropped their work to queue up at the machine, claims to have hauled in £1,000 in just two hours.

‘I just couldn’t believe my luck,’ says he. ‘There was a real street-party atmosphere with everyone walking around with massive grins.’

Not that this is out of the ordinary in a country such as ours. Strolling about the place with a massive grin plastered across our faces is our stock in trade.

Just take a look at Tony Blair…’

Posted: 29th, April 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink