
Anorak News | President’s Question Time

President’s Question Time

by | 30th, April 2004

‘PRESIDENT Bush emerged yesterday from his three-hour grilling by commissioners investigating the 9/11 attacks and announced that he had “enjoyed” the experience.


“They had a lot of good questions,” he said afterwards. “And I’m glad I did it.”

The Telegraph says Bush’s announcement (at an impromptu press conference) that he was delighted that he testified was at odds with the White House’s long rearguard campaign against the bipartisan commission.

In the end they did secure certain concessions – the interview was conducted in the Oval Office, the President was not under oath, Dick Cheney appeared at his side (with one arm mysteriously stuffed up the back of the President’s shirt) and there was no transcript.

To make it easier for Bush, the questions were all in a multiple choice format and, despite the absence of a transcript, Anorak managed to get a prior look at some of the questions…

Q1: “Mr President, what is the correct way in which to eat pretzels? Do you… A) Chew, B) Suck or C) Collapse to the ground unconscious?”

Q2: “Mr President, in a democracy, is the winner of an election generally the person with the most… A) Votes, B) Hair, C) Money?”

Q3: “Mr President, if your country is fighting a war in Vietnam, where can you make most difference? A) Vietnam, B) Alabama, C) In a bar?”

Q4: “Mr President, if the USA is attacked by terrorists, most of whom are from Saudi Arabia, which country do you bomb? A) Afghanistan, B) Canada, C) Iraq?”

Q5: “Mr President, which of the following statements did you say: A) ‘Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream’, B) ‘I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can’t answer your question’, C) ‘I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy’?

Q6: “Mr President, if the big hand is pointing to the 12 and the little hand is pointing to the 7, what time is it? A) 7 o’clock, B) Bedtime, C) Time for another holiday?”’

Posted: 30th, April 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink