
Anorak News | Barmy Army

Barmy Army

by | 20th, May 2004

‘WHEN the Daily Mail introduces Ron Davis on its front page as “the man who could have killed Blair”, it’s hard to know whether it’s shocked by yesterday’s powder bomb attack or ruing a missed opportunity.

‘Call Ambulance Chasers Direct on…’

However, the fact that the purple powder that was thrown by the fathers’ rights activist was contained in a condom is undoubtedly evidence in the paper’s eyes of the deleterious effects of the permissive society.

No wonder Home Secretary David Blunkett can be heard elsewhere in its pages calling for the rebuilding of a ‘culture of respect’ in Britain.

He told the annual Police Federation conference that alcohol and drug abuse were largely responsible for the erosion of entire communities.

And he bemoaned “the way in which a terrible selfishness over the past 30 years has become so much a way of life”.

Indeed, this hankering for a golden age long since past and disillusionment with the excesses of the present is something of a theme in today’s papers.

The Mirror, for instance, puts our compensation culture to the test by ringing up 10 insurance firms’ freephone lines pretending to have slipped on spilt coffee in the work canteen and broken an ankle.

“Anyone could have been responsible,” the paper says. “It might even have been our own fault. But what became clear was the number of firms determined to push the case.

“Rather than accept it was an accident, the response was ‘You could make thousands’.”

If you don’t fancy breaking your ankle or – Heaven forbid! – faking such an injury, you can always make a tidy little sum by applying for a job in what the Sun calls “Britain’s bloated public sector”.

The paper leafs through yesterday’s Guardian Society supplement and identifies adverts for nearly £10m of “barmy vacancies in quangos, local councils and government agencies”.

For instance, you can earn £105,000 a year as Executive Director, Development in Doncaster.

To qualify, you would need to be “a real change agent”, work on a “whole of municipality basis” and “unlock the potential of capital assets and people”.

Sounds easier than pulling a filing cabinet over on your foot…’

Posted: 20th, May 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink