
Anorak News | Costa Notta Lotta

Costa Notta Lotta

by | 14th, July 2004

‘HYDE Park is not exactly the best location for a fountain that is allergic to bad weather.

We shall not fight them on the beaches this year

The Diana Memorial Committee would have done far better to have sited it in the south of Spain where they could have had it built at a fraction of the cost and with none of the problems.

Hell, they could have even incorporated a crazy golf course as part of the design, with golfers putting through the James Hewitt Windmill and negotiating the Camilla Dragon.

After all, Diana’s last holiday was spent cruising in the Mediterranean and the Spanish coast is already populated almost exclusively by British criminals and tourists.

Even more so this year, as the Star reports that “our old rivals” the Germans can’t afford to go on holiday and are leaving all the sunbeds to the Brits.

The Mirror says travel agents are offering the cheapest package deals for 30 years to try to tempt holidaymakers to the Costa del Sol.

And the Sun has news of one man who couldn’t resist – footballer Michael Owen has splashed out £800,000 on two luxury villas near Fuengirola for his family.

But if holidays are so cheap, why can’t the Germans afford to come?

The Star claims it is because the country is in the grip of a recession, but there may be more to it than that.

A Mintel report shows that the one nationality that Brits fear coming across on holiday more than any other is…the British (see Broads).

The Germans probably feel the same way…’

Posted: 14th, July 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink