‘WHEN you’re a 45-year-old, twice-married mother of two, strapping yourself into a conical bra and singing Like A Virgin means you’re either a drag act or taking irony to the outer limits.
‘And why can’t you find a nice Jewish girl to marry?’ |
But Madonna is neither of those things, and as a result tickets for her Re:invention tour are selling like, well, conical-shaped bras.
The Mail says that anyone who wants to see Madge perform her routine can have their pick of the seats.
‘Put it this way,’ says a source at Wembley box office (Madonna is due to play four dates at Wembley Arena), ‘if someone wanted to bring a party of 30 Madonna fans to see any of the Wembley or Manchester dates, there would be no problem.’
It sounds like the singer’s latest re:invention has not gone far enough and she needs a new hook.
And the Sun thinks it has spotted just the thing as it tells readers that Madonna has taken to singing in Yiddish.
Billed as Esther, the chanteuse has been trying out her new act at the home of Kaballah guru Phillip Berg, performing before a small crowd of ‘partying, rock ‘n’ roll rabbis’.
What Boy George began in the 1980s with his Hasidic-inspired outfit, Madonna could be taking on a stage further.
And this is good news for her fans and for ticket sales.
Because at an Esther gig, not only will you get a musical concert, you’ll also get some advice on your love life, told how unsuitable your boyfriend/girlfriend is, reminded how much you’re upsetting your grandparents, be force-fed more gefilte fish than you can shake a stick at, asked why you don’t have any children yet…’
Posted: 20th, July 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink