The Undeserving Rich
‘WHAT a difference a week makes! A few days ago, the newspapers were celebrating cancer sufferer Iris Jeffreys £20m win in the Irish lottery.
Is there no justice? |
This morning, they are appalled that a convicted rapist by the name of Iorworth Hoare has scooped a £7m jackpot on the British equivalent.
The Sun tells how the 52-year-old sex monster was on weekend leave in a Middlesbrough bail hostel when his numbers came up.
A pal explained: We saw him on Sunday morning and he was looking well smug with himself. He told us hed come into some money.
But Hoares celebrations were cut short when prison officers arrived to take him back to prison amid fears that he might flee the country.
Their worst fears appeared well-founded, says the Express, when Hoare answered his door just hours after the draw to reveal a packed suitcase waiting in the hall.
Last night, he was being held as a high security prison until his long-term future can be decided.
Hoare is the latest in a string of lotto jackpot lags, including tabloid bete noir Michael Carroll, who was jailed for drug offences after his £9.7m win, armed robber Glenn Watts, who won £2.6m, Lee Ryan, jailed for handling stolen cars after his £6.5m win and Nigel Gardner-Hale, jailed for 12 months for all-night sex, booze and drugs parties after his £3.4m windfall.
But, while papers like the Mail would like to see the fickle finger of fate point only at deserving winners like Mrs Jeffrey, the truth is that there are going to be an increasing number of Ioworth Hoares, Lee Ryans and Michael Carrolls.
The Sun reports today that Tory leader Michael Howard is promising to build more prisons, lock up more prisoners and put yet more police on our streets if he is elected.
Pretty soon, the whole country is going to be divided up into one giant game of cops and robbers (with the robbers winning the National Lottery every weekend).
We dont need more prisons, we dont need more prisoners and we certainly dont need more police officers.
Perhaps, if the ones we have already could solve anything more complicated than the Suns Coffee Time crossword, we might all sleep a bit safer in our beds.’
Posted: 11th, August 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink