
Anorak News | Jaded


by | 29th, September 2004

‘ROOOOOOOOOOOOOONEEEEEEEEY! ROOOOOOO… Oh, hang on a minute, he wasn’t playing for England, was he? Right then, let’s move swiftly on…

‘How d’yer spell East Angular?’

“Tou’re ’avin a write larff!” says the Sun, above a picture of the newly brunette Miss Jade Goody.

It transpires that Goody is to “pen” – with the help of ghostwriters – her autobiography, “at the ripe old age of 23”.

The paper has predictable fun with this, offering its own version, written in hilarious phonetic cockney. It boils down to: born in Bermondsey, went on Big Brother, had a kid, then had another.

No mention of the two solid years of coverage in the Sun, and the millions of pounds secured along the way.

And when it is published, there will of course be no mention in the paper’s “news” pages – let alone an exclusive serialisation deal.

Then again, stranger things have happened…’

Posted: 29th, September 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink