
Anorak News | Potter Shots

Potter Shots

by | 8th, October 2004

‘IF you could kill anyone who would it be?

‘You wouldn’t shoot a boy in glasses?’

We are not by nature callous or cruel and are aware that this is a macabre question, and one that does not sit easily with many of you.

But imagine for a moment that you have in your hands a sniper’s rifle and are looking through the lens.

Now, who is it you see appearing in the line of fire? Come on, think.

Yes, that’s it. Before long the image of a small bespectacled boy with a goody-goody demeanour moves into the frame.

Watch out, Harry Potter, there’s a bullet coming and it’s got your name written all over it.

And you’re not alone in this reverie. As the Sun reports, Potter’s creator, JK Rowling, has not ruled out the possibility of killing off the nerd in the next book.

When asked by a fan during a website chat if she is going to kill off any more characters, Rowling told her inquisitor – presumed to be 40-year-old mother-of-two – “Yes, sorry.”

She need not be sorry. Hers is the pen to wield as she must. If she says a character must die, then die it must.

But although Potter remains in her sights, bookies are offering long odds of 33-1 on his offing. The hot favourite is somebody called Hagrid, who is the 3-1 hot front runner.

Followed by any thirtysomething seen reading one of the Potter stories on a train, a bus or a swing…’

Posted: 8th, October 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink