
Anorak News | Wigan Smear

Wigan Smear

by | 14th, October 2004

‘KEEP Britain Tidy. It’s a lovely little phrase, isn’t it?

The mint ball industry had changed little in 100 years

For us here at Anorak Towers it brings back memories of a more innocent time, when concerned citizens issued firm reprimands to young boys in shorts who dropped lolly sticks in the streets, and made them deposit their litter in one of the wide range of receptacles provided by the local council – who had plenty of money for such things in the days before they spent their entire budgets on drugs advice and community outreach workers.

But we digress. Today, the Daily Mail brings news of the Keep Britain Tidy charity which, contrary to the evidence of the nation’s streets, is still going strong.

Now the charity has hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons, as its assistant chief executive Sue Nelson has been suspended for making rude remarks about Wigan.

Wigan is where the Keep Britain Tidy HQ is based, and Mrs Nelson made a somewhat unfortunate remark to the effect that the town was ‘the arse end of the world’.

Harsh, but fair, some might argue. The problem was that the remark was made at a national conference – cue predictable outrage from Wiganites.

‘She obviously doesn’t know Wigan as well as she thinks she does because the town is anything but the arse end of the world,’ says the Mayor of Wigan.

‘Wigan is a very upmarket town surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside in Britain.’

EnCams, the umbrella group which runs Keep Britain Tidy, said ‘it would be sad if it fed the prejudices of people who have never been here’.

As for those who have – presumably they are already lost to the cause.

Without wishing to increase the level of prejudice, we should mention that the Mail lists some of Wigan’s contributions to the gaiety of the nation.

‘Although the pits are long gone, industry still figures strongly in the Wigan economy thanks to the Heinz factory, JJB sports manufacturer and sweet makers William Santus & Co, producers of Uncle Joe’s Mint Balls.’

Say no more…’

Posted: 14th, October 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink