
Anorak News | Belmarsh Arab

Belmarsh Arab

by | 20th, October 2004

‘WE are loath of plant ideas in the heads of impressionable lunatics, but why have none of the kidnappers operating out of Iraq demanded that Abu Hamza be freed?

”That’ll teach me for trying to get that bit of dust out of my eye”

The one-eyed, hook-handed, bearded cleric has been routinely ignored by the misfits, loons and ardent sadists at large in Saddam Hussein’s old domain.

Perhaps they don’t think the mullah of Finsbury Park is worth the effort? Perhaps they just don’t like him? Perhaps they, like the Sun, have realised that the best way to make the Western kaffirs suffer is to keep him in this country.

So, here he is, staying at a top-security prison, Belmarsh in sunny south London.

And yesterday he appeared at Belmarsh Magistrates Court, flanked by any number of armed security guards and protected from assassination by way of a bullet-proof screen.

Hamza, the Express reports, stood accused of ten counts of soliciting to murder.

After a short adjournment, he failed to return to the dock for over an hour, after complaining of feeling unwell. The trial of Abu Hamza is expected to be long and costly.

And then there’s his new hook. You can’t miss it – it’s on the end of his old arm.

And is it not shiny? Is it not radiant? See how it glints in the light as Hamza laughs in the face of danger, casually flicking a piece of tinned sweetcorn from his beard.

And it should be a good-looking device because, as the Sun says on its front page, it cost the taxpayer £5,000.

At one stage, the paper says, Hamza was to have both his hooks replaced with prosthetic hands on the NHS at a cost of £30,000.

Why this option was not fulfilled it not made clear.

But it could be one he regrets not taking should he be extradited to the US and so made to pass through those tricky security checks – and metal detectors…’

Posted: 20th, October 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink