
Anorak News | Bec To The Future

Bec To The Future

by | 15th, November 2004

‘IF your most recent appearance on national television had involved giving hand relief to a pig, then chances are you’d want to focus on the future as well.

”Do you want me to talk dirty as well?”

But for a woman who is, we are told, intent on putting her recent past behind her, Rebecca Loos seems only too happy to discuss the full range of services she offers to farmyard animals.

What is more, as she meets up with OK! to talk over her recent appearance on The Farm, a certain name from her past keeps cropping up in conversation.

Has she snogged fellow The Farm contestant Stan Collymore, OK! asks.

”I’m very careful after the whole David thing,” she replies. ”I’m not going to throw myself into any man’s arms – not that Stan is any man.”

What about Jeff Brazier? Did she fancy him?

”Not at all,” she says. ”He’s like a little brother. But Jeff reminds me of David, probably because they’re both from Essex.”

So, are you looking for love?

”I haven’t had a relationship since David. I met a guy here in the UK, but I’m not ready for anything serious.”

But you do seem to have a bit of a thing for football players…

”Footballers aren’t usually my style and the whole David thing was against type.”

Indeed, so frequent are these references to David that anyone reading the interview might conclude that Rebecca’s only claim to fame was having slept with a footballer called David.

That is far from the case. As we mentioned, Rebecca is just as famous for using the very same techniques that so endeared her to the England football captain on a pig.

And, although she is obviously intent on talking about the future, she does want to set the record straight about that particular chapter in her life.

She wasn’t embarrassed, she says, despite the revelation that it took her 20 minutes to bring the pig to orgasm – a job that can normally be done in just eight.

”Of course, when I was in bed with David…”’

Posted: 15th, November 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink