
Anorak News | Band On The Run

Band On The Run

by | 8th, December 2004

‘YOU would never have seen Paul Burrell in a blue anti-bullying wristband when he was at school.

”You wouldn’t hit a man wearing sunglasses indoors, would you?”

Not because pink was more Paul’s colour, but because with his buff physique and macho ways no bully would have dared to pick on the future former butler.

And he would have been right not to wear one, as the Mail reports that children wearing the bracelets have themselves become the target of bullies.

All of which will come as a surprise to no-one except Skools Minister Stephen Twigg.

Anorak was not alone in predicting just such an outcome – Julie Oakley, head of Bullywatch, said she warned Twigg that the wristbands would mark kids out as natural targets.

“The wristbands are sought after in the same way as new trainers,” she says, “and if bullies can sell them on eBay, then it’s easy money for them too.”

However, a spokesman for Radio One, which gave away 100,000 of the bands as part of Anti-Bullying Week a fortnight ago, said they had been very successful.

“If reports that a small minority are abusing the campaign are correct,” he says, “then that’s very disappointing but underlines the importance of tackling bullying whenever and wherever it occurs.”

And that is why we at Anorak are today launching our own pioneering anti-bullying initiative – and urging kids to have a red dragon tattooed on their arse…’

Posted: 8th, December 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink