Happy Days
‘HAPPY New Year to you all!
Your donations have made this brown boy smile again |
Unless you are a Daily Mail reader, of course, in which case, our deepest condolences to you on this sad day.
Why sad? Well, in case you havent perused todays edition yet, heres a taste of whats in store.
Starting, in traditional fashion, with the back pages, we have VAUGHANS AGONY. Yes, he might have captained England to eight successive Test wins and a moral victory in the ninth, but the Mail has decided to concentrate on the skippers batting blip.
Moving swiftly past Winter sickness virus: what you must know to the columnists, we find the customary think-piece reflecting on the festive season.
AT LAST! gasps Neil Lyndon, and the Mails customary paragraph-length sub-heading explains the reason for his relief: As millions return to work after two weeks of family rows and gluttony, why DO we inflict such misery on ourselves?
Stephen Glovers is feeling grumpy on Page 15. Why should WE pay for Des OConnors dinner? he fumes. But we dont have time to read beyond the headline…
Bank chaos as computer crashes. No explanation necessary there…
Lakeland guided walks face axe for being too white and middle-class (Political correctness gone mad)…
Flick, flick, flick… It must be here somewhere…
Ah yes. Page 4: A three-year rollercoaster ride ahead on house prices.
But surely rollercoasters go up as well as down, so it cant be all bad news? Yes, but that ignores the biggest bad-news story of all…
Home-owners in the Far East have experienced a downturn that the papers editor can only dream about, but even he has baulked at using that angle.
Instead, the front page announces the BRITISH DEATH TOLL in huge letters (so big that it hasnt got room to describe them as homeowners), and has a pop at Tony Blair for not cutting short his holiday sorry, his two weeks of family rows and gluttony.
Still, they do manage to squeeze in one good-news story. At the foot of the page is a strap-line announcing: The smile that shows your money is making a difference already.
Next to it is a picture of a smiling girl with a dark skin and a food package. No, shes not an asylum seeker, and unlike Des OConnor, she appears to be a popular recipient of Mail readers hard-earned cash.
Thats because she is a beneficiary of the papers appeal. Of course, the paper hasnt got room to thank all the generous donors, but it has found room for a special ROLL OF HONOUR, listing the major donors.
Here we find such publicity-shy figures as Alex Best, Sadie Frost, Simon Cowell and Sheikh Abu Hamza, who is donating all money earned from his role as Captain Hook at the Finsbury Mosques annual panto.
And a big mention too for Vodafone, Debenhams and the Britannia and Abbey National Building Societies.
God bless you, every one.’
Posted: 4th, January 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink