A Cheap Line
‘WE are not sure how we are supposed to react to news that cocaine is now cheaper than a cappuccino.
”And would you like a muffin with that?” |
Should we bemoan the high price of coffee, cheer the low price of cocaine or swap our morning macchiato for a couple of lines of Bolivia’s finest?
The Star does not provide us with the answer, merely the facts.
And they are that researchers have found that a gram of cocaine can be bought for £40 and divided into 20 lines – the equivalent of £2 a line.
The price of ecstasy is also plummeting, down 70% over the past decade to only £3.50 a pill. And a rock of crack fell by a fifth over the past year to just £10.
Researchers at the Independent Drugs Monitoring Unit worked day and night to compile the report for a BBC programme called If…Drugs Were Legal – with scarcely a visit to the coffee machine.’
Posted: 10th, January 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink