The Frog Chorus
‘IF teenagers really are looking to TV for careers inspiration, then we can expect a big increase in the number of people applying for a job as a really annoying frog.
”I call it my tadpole” |
However, the Mirror reports that Crazy Frog, the ubiquitous TV amphibian who advertises a mobile phone ringtone, is himself in trouble…for exposing himself to young kids.
The problem, it seems, is what is on display between the frog’s legs.
Anne James, from Middlesbrough, says she turns off the advert when her four-year-old son William is in the room.
”It’s vulgar and not anatomically correct,” she says. ”Frogs don’t have a penis.”
Robert Swift, marketing manager for internet firm Jamster (which has made about £10m from the irritating frog), claims his only complaint ”is he’s better endowed than me”.
However, the Mirror says the Advertising Standards Authority has received 60 representations from the likes of Mrs James.
The paper doesn’t specify whether these people are upset on grounds of taste or anatomical accuracy.
If the latter, we imagine that as we speak Mrs James is busy affixing a plasticene penis between the legs of her son’s Action Man…’
Posted: 28th, January 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink