
Anorak News | Roaring Forties

Roaring Forties

by | 4th, February 2005

‘IF you are over 40, chances are you’re reading this on the treadmill at your local gym or over your young lover’s shoulder.

Carole also buys man bras

That is at least the impression readers of the Express’s story (“So Naughty At Forty”) might take away with them as they learn of new study which says fortysomethings are “having the time of their lives”.

This might also be termed a “final hurrah” before the eyesight begins to fade, the back aches that little bit more and you wake up one morning to fully understand what an endowment policy actually is and worry that you don’t have one.

But facts are facts and who are we to argue with a survey carried out by a TV channel called FX 289, which asked 1,000 men and women over 40 about themselves?

It found that six in ten went to the gym and four in ten enjoyed sex on a regular basis.

What proportion of those who keep fit also like horizontal jogging is not reported, and surely another intensive study in called for.

But while we wait for that, the paper begins to look at which 40-year-olds we’d all like to be or be with.

The Star goes as far as producing two lists – one for women, another for men – and lists the Top 10 over-40s in each gender.

Suffice to say that the top man is George Clooney (43) and the top women is Sandra Bullock 40), with the likes of Brad Pitt (41), Gary Lineker (44) and Heather Locklear (43) all getting a mention.

But the Mail goes further and wonders about the ideal fortysomething couple.

And they come up with the Cherie Blair’s health guru and Y-front chooser Carole Caplin (42) and the man who strives to be catty and macho all at once, Simon Cowell.

For the news is that Cowell has employed Caplin to help him shed some weight after he saw himself on TV.

“I took a look at myself on telly one day and thought ‘I just look too damn fat’, so I went about doing something about it. I just cut right back, don’t eat puddings now and just generally do more exercise.”

What kind of exercise we who saw that earlier survey can only imagine in our darker moments. But at least, with Carole on board, his underwear will be clean and fashionable…’

Posted: 4th, February 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink