
Anorak News | Pregnant Pause

Pregnant Pause

by | 17th, February 2005

‘IT is the burning question of the day. And the Express dares to ask it: “Is J-Lo pregnant?”

First they got ”married” and now she’s pregnant

It should be an easy enough question to answer, but it proves to be a tricky one for the paper, which can conclude only that La Lopez might be in the family way.

Adding grist to the rumour mill is the singer’s decision to pull out of appearing at the UK premiere of her new movie and the associated European publicity tour, citing “doctor’s” advice not to fly.

This means she may be pregnant. It also may mean she may have deep vein thrombosis.

It might also mean that her advisors have rightly worked out that she would garner more publicity for her new movie by triggering baby talk than she would from any amount of interviews.

Indeed, it is unlikely that an all-flying J-Lo would have made it to the cover of today’s Star.

There we hear in true tabloid speak that “insiders reckon the star, famed for her shapely bum, is to become a mum”.

The singer, who also has a new album out – the name of which, like that of her new movie, escapes us – says: “I very much wanted to be in London, but unfortunately I am not well.”

Stopping just short of telling Londoners that they live in her favourite city – ever! – and how much she will miss them all, she says she is “sick”.

Which might just mean that she is pregnant – or, er, sick…’

Posted: 17th, February 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink