
Anorak News | The Pyjama Game

The Pyjama Game

by | 11th, March 2005

‘IT’S a sure sign we are all getting older when the Mirror carries a story about Michael Jackson’s bad back.

You know it’s Bad

Rightly, this is front-page news, serving as a message to everyone that no matter how much oxygen you swallow, how many nips and tucks you subject your body to and how young your friends are, you will still grow old.

You may even, like the singer, suffer from a “serious back problem”, causing you to be rushed to a hospital.

But time was pressing, and Jackson had just a few hours to make the 35 mile trip from his sick bed to the Santa Maria courthouse where his accuser Gavin Arvizo was due to testify.

How cruel that on this most testing of days for the 15-year-old, when all the world would avidly tune into his every word, the prince of pop should go lame and add to the growing tension.

No wonder the paper says that “disbelieving” judge Rodney Melville was angry, ordering Jackson to return to court under threat of jail and revocation of his $3million bail.

Jackson heard the call, and like some modern day Lazarus, he rose from his sick bed, climbed into a car and sped to his date with destiny.

And so it was that just ten minutes after the 8:30 deadline, Jackson stepped from his 4×4 looking, as the Mirror notes, “pale and shaky”.

But although his appearance seemed as normal, Jackson was dressed in a pair of blue pyjama bottoms and black slippers. While handy for moonwalking, the outfit is not the traditional suit and sparkly glove so favoured by defendants wanting to look righteous and upstanding before the Beak.

But this is Michael Jackson, a trendsetter. And so dressed he took his seat in court. And promptly burst into tears.

“He then sat gulping down deep breaths and looking distressed, his hands trembling, Jackson, 46, put on sunglasses but continued to dab tears from his eyes,” says the Sun.

It really is too awful to see. The poor man is suffering, and has surely suffered enough. Who is this heartless Arvizo, who is seen entering the courtroom and glancing across at Jackson, who is still crying?

Has the boy no pity? Let’s end this before Jackson suffers any more and his jeremiads make us all start to cry…’

Posted: 11th, March 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink