
Anorak News | Y A FAN


by | 22nd, March 2005

‘WHILE Jamie Oliver gets festooned with bouquet garnets for his efforts to promote himself and healthy school dinners, Richard Whitely rolls on.

Carol loves fannying around with the crowd

In a nation of barely literate oiks, Whitely and his Countdown show have done more to encourage reading and good spelling than any GCSE in media studies.

And, as such, it was unsurprising that when offered the chance to see the great educator at work, a gaggle 20 female students aged 19 and 20 jumped at the chance.

It would be a big day in their lives. And to calm nerves, the Sun says the group got loaded on cheap wine. Then they took their seats for the show to begin.

“We normally only get grannies and granddads in the audience so this was a big shock,” says an insider at Channel 4, which broadcasts the show.

“They were really lively and noisy but I don’t care because they laughed at all my jokes,” says Whitely.

And, as it turns out, let off a stink bomb. And called out random words as players puzzled over the letters game.

And then came the final straw – telling Carol Vorderman to “get your f**** out”.

And this earned them the honour of being the first group to ever be expelled from Whitely’s class.

Leaving Richard to chortle and a provocatively-dressed Carol to work out their score…

Paul Sorene is the Anorak’

Posted: 22nd, March 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink