
Anorak News | Bridal Shower

Bridal Shower

by | 24th, March 2005

‘MORE news on the Royal wedding now as the Sun tells us how almost all the Windsor family will be there to see Charles and Camilla make things legal.

”Isn’t that Diana?”

Prince Andrew has agreed to stop playing golf long enough to attend the ceremony; Prince Edward, The Weed In Tweed, has promised not to film things on a camera hidden where his brain should be; and Princess Anne of Newmarket is being rubbed down and oiled.

With God uninvited – this is a civil ceremony – witnesses will be Tom Parker Bowles, Charles’s godson and one of Camilla’s two boys, and Prince William.

Standing between this bunch of cocaine takers, wannabe kings and adulterers is brave Clair Williams, the registra, who just happens to be a divorcee herself, as the Mail cares to mention.

But while Clair shops for new outfit, the Mirror reminds us all that the only players missing will be the Queen and her husband, Prince Philip.

However, they will be there in a way, since a large picture of Liz and another of Phil do hang in one of the main rooms at Windsor’s Guildhall.

Although, on the day they may be turned to face the wall…

Paul Sorene is the Anorak’

Posted: 24th, March 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink