
Anorak News | The Devil’s Spawn

The Devil’s Spawn

by | 25th, May 2005

‘THAT the priapic Crazy Frog is the work of the Devil is beyond doubt.

”The things I have to do to keep the shareholders happy”

And making this product of Beelzebub’s spawn appear even more demonic is the Mirror’s news that the amphibian’s song is all set to pip God’s own band Coldplay to the No.1 spot.

“At the moment we’re outselling Coldplay by 4-1 and our presses are having to work day and night to keep up with demand,” says Guy Holmes of the record company behind the dire song.

The Sun thinks this is nothing short of a disaster, and in “Leapfrogged” writes: “It’s grim news. What on earth is happening to the nation?”

It is truly dire. But hold on a second – it is a sad indictment on the current music scene, but there’s nothing new in awful British pop. Remember Mr Blobby? Paul McCartney And The Frog Chorus? Nick Berry?!

The advice is to turn off the radio, the TV and the mobile phone, slip Cliff Richard’s Mistletoe & Wine on the stereo and wait until it all goes away and sense is restored…’

Posted: 25th, May 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink