
Anorak News | Black To Front

Black To Front

by | 13th, June 2005

‘REMEMBER how shocked we all were to learn that no black performer had been booked to appear at the Live 8 charity do in Hyde Park.

”Let them eat sunglasses”

No black performer was good enough at singing to make the grade mastered by Robbie Williams or Bob Geldof. We were concerned.

This was a concert to raise awareness for the plight of the word’s poorest people. Was an impoverished continent going to be represented by Geldof, a heart-wrenching video of a starving black baby or – gulp! – Lenny Henry?

But that was then, and now we learn that the blackest act of them all will be making his way onto the main stage. Yes, folks, give it up for Dayyy-viiiid Beck-ham.

The Sun says that David was a bit apprehensive when Robbie Williams mooted the idea of his making an appearance. But the footballer’s anxiety disappeared when his wife Victoria reassured him that it was a great idea.

So Dave agreed to do it. And now he’s scheduled to present Robbie Williams to the masses with a few well chosen words.

“It won’t be a long speech,” says a source in the Sun, “but he will have something important to say.”

What will high-earning, meg-rich clotheshorse Dave tell the world about poverty? How best to avoid it? How millions of African are dying each day under a burning sun…in last year’s sunglasses?

We’ll have to wait and see. And we can only pray his words hit the right note – and one that’s not just audible to dogs…’

Posted: 13th, June 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink