
Anorak News | Heart Attack

Heart Attack

by | 11th, August 2005

‘OUT of sight but not out of mind, the life and times of Omar Bakri continue to fascinate the papers.

‘Barking’ Omar Bakri at his Lebanon training camp preparing for the John ‘Two Jabs’ Prescott fight

The story so far is that an overweight, bearded Syrian-born religious extremist who’s been living in the UK on benefits for the past 19 years has hotfooted it to Lebanon to a) be with his sick mum; b) flee British justice; or c) get rat-arsed every night and watch wet-burka contests.

Yesterday’s debate centred on whether or not this charmless prig would ever return to this land, and what would happen if he did.

Today we hear, as we did yesterday, that he does indeed plan to return and that, as the Mail reports, he is coming back for an NHS operation. Ironic as it is, Bakri is coming back for the good of his health.

Bakri is entitled not only to return to his adopted country but is in line to undergo an operation to widen his arteries. And all at a cost to the great British taxpayer of £7,500.

To the Star this produces the front-page headline: “FREE HEART OPS FOR EVERY RANTING LOON.” And it hears from the man himself, who tells the paper’s shocked and stunned readers: “I have a heart problem. I’m waiting for an appointment.”

But while medics prepare to deal with Bakri’s black heart in a 20-minute angioplasty operation – and while they’re at it they can tie his bile ducts up – the Sun wonders what to do.

Earlier this week, the paper was celebrating its key role in Bakri’s downfall. It had forced him out.

Now, with a face as red as its masthead, the Sun can only manage to mention the “PARASITE”, the “vile cleric” on its page 6, and only then in piece which says Bakri could never return.

In a matter of days the paper’s power has been reduced from that of telling weapon in the war on terror to a simple newssheet that says of the impending operation: “In an act of Christian charity we should let the op go ahead – so long as it is performed by ham-fisted John Prescott.”

Or, for that matter, the Sun’s editor…’

Posted: 11th, August 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink