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Ins & Outs

by | 31st, August 2005

‘“WHY EVERYTHING IS NOW MADE IN CHINA,” says the Express, which itself is now printed in Shanghai on edible rice paper and in squid ink.

‘Zai jian’

The so-called bra wars between the European Union and China that have led to a “trade row” are to the Express symptomatic of a wider malaise.

Forgot those lofty notions about free trade, and know that “we are ever more dependent on imports from the Far East”. And: “It may mean cheaper goods and more choice but could reliance on China’s strength prove to be our fateful weakness?”

As usual the Express’s question is more loaded that a British teenager in a Faliraki strip club, but it’s not the paper’s leading poser of the day.

For that, readers need to eat their way back towards the front of the paper and use their Beijing Telecoms phone to respond to the question: “Should the EU be allowed to stop us kicking out clerics of hate?”

The “us” is not the paper, but we the British. And the vote stems from the Express’s front-page story: “Now Europe tells Britain: YOU CAN’T KICK OUT CLERICS OF HATE.”

It seems that “Brussels bureaucrats” are ready to put a block on our Government’s attempts to deport “Islamic hate preachers”.

The precise details of that EU’s plans to do us down are not revealed but the paper says that they involve the rejection of our “tough measures” and a reaffirmation of the EU’s strict ban on “governments sending people back to countries where they could face torture, persecution and abuse”.

That such a thing should have to be re-iterated is unfortunate, even if the move is said by the paper to be a blow for the Government.

But while the EU upsets the Express by telling us what we can and can’t get in and out of the country, the Sun says that the men and women in lederhosen and berets aren’t having it all their own way.

The Sun reports that Big Brother’s Zimbabwean nurse Makosi Musambasi has been given ten days to leave the UK or else launch an appeal.

It seems that the strumpet lost her legal right to stay when she left her job as a trainee cardiac nurse to go on the TV show.

The Sun caught up with the nascent star and asked her what she planned to do. “I don’t know what crime I’ve committed,” says she, not fully understanding the charge sheet in front of her.

“I’d love to keep living in England but don’t know what’s happening. I’ve been used for entertainment and now am being betrayed.”

This sounds very much like the woman deemed to be less popular than a pint-sized Geordie dancer/hairdresser and a Eugene is plotting a vigorous defence.

And she might yet win. Just wait until she tells the Beak how she was forced to live in a house with glass walls and cameras following her every move.

It might not be too long before Makosi takes her case, and her Chinese bra, to the European Court of Human Rights?’

Posted: 31st, August 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink