
Anorak News | Wanted: Dead Or Alive

Wanted: Dead Or Alive

by | 24th, November 2005

‘FORGET the pigeons. Turn your sights from Omar Bakri. And know that the hunt is on for the chipmunks. They’re out there somewhere. And they must be caught.

A walking glove

As the Mail reports (“Find the chipmunks!”), a shadowy group of Siberian chipmunks has escaped from an enclosure at Wellington Country Park, near Reading.

We urge you to be on the look out for these creatures. According to the Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs, the striped critters are 8in long, including a 4in tail.

Indeed, they would make a lovely pair of gloves or a warmer for a child’s milk bottle. But before they can be put to good use, they must be apprehended.

Although they are pretty harmless to people, the chipmunks are big enough and mean enough to do down our native bank voles and wood mice, taking their rivals’ food.

What’s more, they are known to take chicks and eggs from birds’ nests.

That’s awful. Although, given the threat posed by birds, this might be no bad thing…’

Posted: 24th, November 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink