Second & Third Best
‘HOW the papers must miss George Best. On slow news days, Best was always a story the press could trot out.
Have you seen Gin and Tonic? |
If Best had a drink, it was news. If Best didnt have a drink, it was big news. If Best had a drink then regretted it, it was front-page news.
But even with Best now gone to that early bath in the sky, the Mirror cant resist taking another look at the former footballer. And the news is that he had two secret daughters.
Gina DeVivo, an ex-mo-del with whom George had an affair in 2003, says Best told her about his SECRET KIDS.
I asked George how many children he had and he told me three two girls and a boy but was extremely sad that he was only in contact with his son Calum, says the blonde.
Phil Hughes, Bests agent, has also revealed that the footballer sired a child 36 year ago but was never allowed to meet her.
As Hughes explains: He [Best] wouldnt want to do anything that would upset the girl, her mother and her husband.
Very noble, were sure. But we can only suppose that right now the Mirror, or some other organ, is bringing to bear its full investigative might on the hunt for Bests estranged children.
Who are they? Where do they live? Could they have inherited their fathers ball skills and showmanship and be a famous sportswoman or entertainer? Thirty-six years ago, the world saw the arrival of Steffi Graf and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
We may never know who Bests other children are. But if you see a bearded woman in a bar, juggling a ball on her foot, do tell us…’
Posted: 28th, November 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink