
Anorak News | The Big C Yer

The Big C Yer

by | 27th, January 2006


A selection of things that will kill you and yours from this week’s paper…

“BLUNDERING DOCTOR GAVE BREAST CANCER VICTIMS THE ALL-CLEAR” – A radiologist at Trafford General Hospital and North Manchester General has made some terrible mistakes

“Meningitis kills girl told she had an upset tummy” – Courtney Guy, 8, dies after GP misdiagnoses her illness

“Impotence can be a sign of heart disease” – Study at University of Chicago hits suffering men with a double whammy

“Patient killed by blunder in hospital lab” – Joan Jones, 76, was given the wrong type of blood during a routine foot operation

“I was voted the sexiest woman in the world – but then arthritis started to destroy my life” – Happy tales from the life of Kathleen Turner

“Take one Michelin chef, and a cracked vertebra and a trapped never. It’s a recipe for crippling pain” – Chef Heston Blummenthal relives the agony

“They cut out my cancer-ridden gullet…and moved up my stomach to bridge the gap” – A day in the life of Kurt Hafner

“They said I was clear of cancer, but hospital doctor had blundered” – Ruth Callaghan gives it to the Health Service

“The delivery room dad who do more harm than good” – Researchers at the University of Bath and Imperial College London say presence of fathers in delivery room can increase anxiety and fear in mother

“Postcode lottery ‘denies cancer victims best care’” – Where you live affects your chance of surviving cancer’

Posted: 27th, January 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink