Choc-ed Arteries
‘THOSE Muslim fundamentalists passing the time by burning the Danish flag should know the full extent of Western decadence.
(Since every story has a Muslim angle, why not this one?)
The Express publishes a shot of celebrity chef Antony Worrall Thompson to illustrate his recipe for Snickers pie.
Containing puff pastry, mascarpone, soft cheese, caster sugar, eggs and five Snickers bars, the pie (not Wozza) serves four. Each serving contains the equivalent of 22 teaspoons of fat and 11 teaspoons of sugar (were still talking about the pie).
This pie is surely a corrupting influence that perhaps only Irans nuclear programme can stop. Until then, the Independent Food Commission (IFC) has some words of warning.
In Food magazine, an organ published by the IFC, the dessert is called one of the most unhealthy recipes ever.
And this has angered Thompson. He speaks of the food police. He says that the pie is not to be eaten at the end of every meal. We are not encouraging people to do this all the time, says he.
Nor that they use Danish ingredients…’
Posted: 6th, February 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink