
Anorak News | Let Them Eat Cake

Let Them Eat Cake

by | 20th, February 2006

‘BEING a parent is all about making important life-affirming decisions.

Makes you sick

Do you go with the cowboy theme for Armani’s birthday party (Brokeback Mountain private screening, pony rides, trip to Wyoming) or do you plump for the fairies (unicorns, enchanted forest, Royal Ballet)?

Whatever you decide, the little love is sure to eat too much sugar, run around like mad and cry before bedtime. But at least you will able to turn to those other competitive parents and say: “It was better than your kid’s party.”

And this competition to be the best is costing mum and dad an average of £200, as the Mail reports.

Parents in London spend the most on a children’s party, lashing out an average of £221. Those parents in Yorkshire pay the least, spending £154 on the do.

That’s a considerable sum of money, especially when you remember that this does not include little Armani’s presents, her new dress and the years in therapy because Bianca’s fairy birthday cake had one more tier, five turrets and a life-size chocolate moat…’

Posted: 20th, February 2006 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink