
Anorak News | Babe Watch

Babe Watch

by | 14th, March 2006

‘AFICIONADOS of red-top news might expect the story of how Corrie Drew, 24, opened her bedroom curtains in her bra and knickers to find two men fixing a CCTV camera by her bedroom window to be accompanied by a re-enactment of the event.

But Drew is no Page 3 stunna, and for the purposes of illustration she shows off the camera that sits just two feet from her bedroom windrow while dressed in a demure diamond-patterned pyjama top and jeans.

But others can see more. Speaking in the Mail, Drew says that the camera can see about a quarter of her bedroom, “including the part where I get out of bed and the mirror which I get changed in front of”.

While Big Brother and CCTV operatives at Bournemouth borough council, which installed the device, fight to verify or refute Drew’s claim, the watched women tells the Express how bad it has been. (The Express says that last July a security guard was convicted of surveying girls as they changed on the Bournemouth sands.)

“I have had to close the curtains even on sunny days,” says Drew. “It’s an intrusion into my privacy and they should move it.”

But the council will not move it. The camera is there to stay. However, a spokesperson does say that a “privacy feature” will be “programmed into it” to ensure it would black out personal property.

And as soon as a workman has climbed up to Drew’s window ledge to stick a bit of card on the camera’s lens, things will be just fine…’

Posted: 14th, March 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink