Char (No) Lady
‘AS Princess Eugenie will discover, after your teenage years you have to wait until your dotage to get away with behaving badly.
Not improving with age |
The tricky bit is the middle section, the decades between college and care home. Its full of broken hearts, disappointment and stress. Take a look at Charlotte Church.
From precocious talent to the Voice of an Angel, Church is now a wannabe pop star aged 20. And the Mirror spots her having a row with her boyfriend, orange-hued rugby player Gavin Henson.
She wants him to meet her at Cardiffs Moloko club. The paper cocks an ear and hears Church screaming down her mobile phone: Why did you sleep in the same bed as that girl? After a while, Gavin appears.
Church confronts bleary-eyed Gavin. She dragged him inside the club. And then she dragged him outside the club. Now in the street, she spat further insults at him.
This is all a far cry from the round-faced little singer who first came to our attention. This is Church the chav, the drag act, rowing in public with her drunken lover.
An eyewitness sees Gavin fall into another man, try to start a fight and find he is too drunk to throw any punches.
The couple then weave their way to the nearby Marriott Hotel. Gavin crumples at a table and places his head in his arms.
This is a pretty clear sign that the row is at an end. Church goes home. And gets older…’
Posted: 3rd, April 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink