
Anorak News | Not So Goody

Not So Goody

by | 4th, April 2006

‘“JADE NICKED,” says the Sun’s front-page headline. “Cops quiz star over row.”

Spot the crime

What’s this? The nation’s foremost kebab flasher in trouble with the law? We do as ordered and turn to page 19, where “dimwit” Jade has indeed been pinched by the fuzz.

It seems it’s Goody by name and maybe not by nature as Jade is accused of failing to pay a cab fare. It is alleged, m’lud, that the reality TV product refused to pay a £65 taxi bill accrued on a trip from a London club to her Essex home.

The cabbie complained, as is their wont, and Jade found herself helping police with their enquiries. Questions were asked – Jade is said to have asked: “Charged? What does that mean?”

And the upshot is that Jade has been released on bail pending further investigation.

But this is not all. Having left Harlow police station, Jade found a £80 parking ticket stuck on her car’s windscreen.

There seems to be some kind of message here. But we are struggling to think what it is. And we are less than certain Jade would understand it…’

Posted: 4th, April 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink