
Anorak News | Bloody Hell

Bloody Hell

by | 30th, April 2006

‘“AT 0800 this morning a man aged 27 years old was arrested on a street in an east London borough on suspicion of administering a noxious substance recklessly,’ says a police spokesman.

And we only thought he was a piss artist

But Pete Doherty, for it is he, naturally, is said to be “very angry and upset” about this latest brush with the law.

The Sun’s pictures of pop “f***wit” apparently injecting a fan with heroin have caused him to be pinched. (See Anorak: “Brown & Out.”) Forensic teams have been all over Pete’s flat, where the incident is said to have taken place.

Pete’s been questioned about the picture, which shows him, allegedly, pushing a needle into a girl’s arm. The Sun mentioned that the needle contained heroin; we were unsure.

And Pete says it was all so innocent. His manager, James Mullord, tells us: “I know it sounds bizarre but what Pete was actually doing was drawing blood from the girl to use in his painting.” Pete uses blood as other people might use ink.

But still Pete is in custody, where he might like to pass the time by drawing pictures, either in blood or some other homemade substance that epitomises his career to date…’

Posted: 30th, April 2006 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink