
Anorak News | Devil Of A Day

Devil Of A Day

by | 6th, June 2006

June is worried because today is 6/6/6. This, as the Mail tells it readers, is the “Devil’s number”. The number of the beast is 666.

For good measure, it is also June’s 66th birthday. She was born at 6am weighing 6lb 6oz. June is worried.

And she tells us of a chilling premonition. “When my mother was alive she told me on that day I should not get in the car or even go out.”

This is a warning Mail readers can relate to – what with the hoodies, knifers, asylum seekers, mad mullahs and so much more at large, no-one should ever go out. It is just not safe.

But there is worse for June. She says her mother “always said, ‘Watch that date’ with a strange look on her face’”.

June continues: “She accurately predicted by father’s death and the death of my husband so I’m not taking any chances.”

Sounds wise. While police open a file on June’s mother, and bodies are excavated, the Mirror says this is a day for “devilish deeds”.

It dresses a keen reporter up as the Devil – red face, horns, cape – and unleashes him on the world.

But no-one is shocked. We’ve all seen far worse. He would have looked more terrifying had they just stuck him in a hood or a Burberry baseball cap…

Posted: 6th, June 2006 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink