
Anorak News | Naked Civil Servants

Naked Civil Servants

by | 13th, June 2006

“AS farmers waited for cash, staff leapt from filing cabinets in the nude.”

Others held a breakdancing competition rather than tackle the backlog of Single Farm Payments.

In the toilets, couples had sex; they brawled in reception, took drugs and vomited in plastic cups (leaving the evidence to fester in cupboards until the smell became too offensive).

Another day at the normally sedate Rural Payments Agency in Newcastle, according to a whistleblower who has written to his local paper to complain about “the level of depravity” that is tolerated in his office.

He is not as appalled, however, as the Mail, which is seething that taxpayers’ money should be used for something as obscene as EU subsidies.

Let the naked romps continue…

Posted: 13th, June 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink