
Anorak News | Sue & Cry

Sue & Cry

by | 14th, June 2006

HEATHER Mills McCartney will “sue all parties who are intent on damaging her reputation”.

And to avoid any confusion, let us say this is Heather’s reputation for being a really good egg and a friend to seals.

She has no interest in the “vicious”, “untrue and defamatory” allegations that are causing her to have a new reputation as an, alleged, former high-class call-girl.

In which case we will not dwell on the Mirror’s news that a third set of pornographic pictures of Paul McCartney’s estranged wife have emerged.

We will just repeat the paper’s assertion that Heather will sue the red leather pants off a certain “downmarket” newspaper (believed to be the News of the World). The Mirror says that legal proceedings will begin only when Heather’s divorce was finalised.

Why wait? Sue them now. Who knows, in proving herself to be an honest and pure woman – as if proof were needed – Heather may be reconciled with Paul.

Who, if he’s seen the recent pictures of his fragrant wife, may be upset at what he is missing…

Posted: 14th, June 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink