
Anorak News | A Fixed Grin

A Fixed Grin

by | 15th, June 2006

Want to know how Snoozie got into the house? Golden ticket holder Danielle James tells the Star she feels cheated by the whole thing.

She says that during the day spent with other Golden Ticket holders she was surprised at how all bar one had Big Brother form.

“Most of them, including Susie, had even met each other in the final stages for this year’s show,” says Danielle, who, incidentally, reveals all while dressed in a red bikini.

And the Sun also smells a rat. The paper hears one ticket holder call the draw a “blindingly, obvious fix”.

The paper says Snoozie knows four of the housemates. And Maxwell Ward, who appeared in last year’s show, says he has spent time with Snooze in the house. “It looks like a fix,” says he. “It’s fishy she’s the kind who fits perfectly and so gets chosen out of all the poor sods who turned up.”

And then there is the matter of how Snoozie came by her ticket. We were told that her husband had spent £4,000 on KitKats. He didn’t He bought one for £4,000 off Debra Neary.

“I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay £4,000 for a ticket with a 100-1 chance of winning,” says Debra. “He seemed to know a bit about how the system worked.” And almost certainly more than Debra – there were 34 Golden ticket-holders. You work out the odds.

And then work out if Snoozie’s apparent lack of surprise at winning the lottey-style draw was down to her knowing the result in advance, or botox…

Posted: 15th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink