
Anorak News | Coup De Grace

Coup De Grace

by | 19th, June 2006

If this is Big Brother’s very own Watergate scandal, who is ‘Deep Throat’, the grass who tells all?

When Grace threw a glass of water over Snoozie, the housemates wondered if they had witnessed a moment of spontaneity or a planned attack.

Grace’s attempted coup de grace on Snoozie’s reign failed horribly – not least of all because she seemed to miss her intended target. (If EastEnders has taught us anything it is that drinks should be poured over the head in a slow and deliberate manner.)

And so to the investigation. Who was behind it? Was Lea Deep Throat? The porn star and self-styled house mother figure said not. But she knew who was. “Imogen and Lisa said to do it,” said Lea.

“We never said owt. Who the **** said that?” demanded Lisa. Imogen, wet faced from Grace’s eviction, also denied any involvement.

And so it went on. Meanwhile, outside the house Davina was asking for a ‘blow by blow’ account of what Grace and Mikey got up to under the covers.

Grace blushed. What did she know and was afraid to reveal? Was she a double agent? Was she Deep Throat?

Posted: 19th, June 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink