
Anorak News | Drugs & Working

Drugs & Working

by | 6th, July 2006

BEFORE Kate Moss became ‘cocaine Kate’, the model’s career was in something of a nose dive.

The Sun confirms what many have suspected: cocaine has been good for Kate.

A look at the figures for Kate’s company, Skate Enterprises, reveals that in the year to February 2005, profits fell from around £2.5million to £1.3millon.

(How much of this apparent slump in Kate’s earning power was due to her making withdrawals from petty cash to pay for this, that and the other is unspecified.)

This year, thanks to some post-cocaine Kate deals with Burberry, Calvin Klein, Roberto Cavalli, Nikon and Virgin Mobile, Kate is expected to earn up to £10million.

How many standard-length lines of cocaine £10million buys, we know not, nor are we told how many weeks such a fortune will enable a celebrity to stay in one of the country’s top rehabilitation centres.

All we know is that where there’s cocaine, there’s brass. And if you still doubt it, just ask Pete Doherty.

Before ‘cocaine Kate’, Pete was just another pasty-faced wannabe pop star with a taste for drugs – now’s he’s in a televised conversation with the BBC’s Jonathan Ross.

Pete says he loves “Kate’s bones”. And more than he loves drugs – he’s trying to stop taking them. “Being clean means I can sit down and rediscover writing,” says Pete. “My song-writing suffered, being on drugs.”

Although drugs have done wonders for his career as a celebrity, and Kate’s bank balance…

Posted: 6th, July 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink