Her Own Fault
FOOTBALL has its pies. Cricket has its fruit cake. And tennis has strawberries and HRT. It’s just the way things are.
So when Marilyn Still arrived at Wimbledon brandishing yoghurt, there would be trouble.
Yoghurt may be right for combat yoga, but it has no place at Wimbledon. And the authorities were, understandably, less than pleased.
And here is Marilyn to explain what occurred. Holding up a pot of the offending and, some would say, offensive yoghurt to the Mail’s readers, Marilyn, a 57-year-old housewife, utters the kind of moan Maria Sharapova would be proud of.
“The security guard looked through my bag and then just took them off me,” says Marilyn of the removal of two pots of soya yoghurt and two more pots of chocolate soya milkshake from her charge.
The guard said that they were not official products and may constitute “guerilla marketing”.
Marilyn says she has “low blood sugar”, and it’s important she takes on sugar when she needs it.
No problem with that. Marilyn can eat all the sugary strawberries and sugary cream she likes. But yoghurt is just wrong.
If it were allowed, the world would tilt on its axis and before long rugby fans would be sipping Lapsang souchong tea from china cups and screaming “Come on Tim!”.
Posted: 7th, July 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink