
Anorak News | Run Mikey! Run!

Run Mikey! Run!

by | 19th, July 2006

RUN Mikey! Run!

It’s no good, he might not understand what we’re saying. All we know how to say in the language of Mikey is “Calm Down!” and “This is how it is, right”, and this is not the time for either phrase.

As the Mirror reports, Mikey faces a grilling from the police.

While languishing in the sun, a strip of dental floss away from being totally nude, Aisleyne was affronted by Mikey. Approaching from the rear, Mikey bit her backside.

“We can confirm that we have received a complaint from a member of the public,” says a spokesman for Hertfordshire police. Which means detectives are “obliged” to question Mikey about his alleged offence.

In his defence, your honour, Mikey apologised. “Scorree,” he said. And Aisleyne made no complaint to Big Brother, nor did she complain of a pain in her backside. Indeed, she spent a portion of the day moaning “J’ai mal a la tete”.

But still the law is the law and we urge Mikey to run. And here is his chance. The producers have forgotten to lock the door from the garden to the “camera run”.

Mikey, Glyn and Daryl Van Horne all make a dash for freedom. They race along the tunnels behind the house’s mirrors. And they came across some cameramen having a snack.

On a starvation diet – a punishment for JaYne’s rule breaking (why has she not been kicked out?) – and not sated by Aisleyne’s backside, Mikey asks for food.

And then the voice of Big Brother tells them to get back inside the house. The escape bid has failed.

But there is always tomorrow. And if the lads do want to make a dash for it, can they take JaYne with them, and Snoozie and Spiral..?

Posted: 19th, July 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink