
Anorak News | Noel Edmonds Sees All

Noel Edmonds Sees All

by | 25th, July 2006

SOPHIE Anderton could have saved herself a fortune in therapy by buying Noel Edmonds’ new book – Positively Happy: Cosmic Ways To Change Your Life.

Indeed, she could have saved herself a fortune and a bit by not buying the book, but instead reading extracts from it in the Daily Mail. In Portuguese.

There she would have learnt how Noel kept his bearded chin up even when his career was plummeting faster than a helicopter at one of his charity bashes.

For instance, she would know that People Are Not Born Strong, They Become That Way. She would start to See Change As A Good Thing and Stop Worrying About What Other People Think.

She would learn to Live In The Present and take Small Steps To The Stars; she would realise that Another Person’s Gain Is Not Your Loss and that you should Measure You Against You; she would Play To Your Strengths and Make Space For Your Dreams.

“The key,” says Crinkly Bottom’s answer to Deepak Chopra, “is to remain self-focused and by that I mean to identify your personal goals and give yourself the space to follow them.”

All very well, but when you’ve done all the major lingerie lines and men’s magazines, what goals are there left to achieve?

Posted: 25th, July 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink