
Anorak News | Fully Loaded

Fully Loaded

by | 28th, July 2006

LINDSAY Lohan is suffering from exhaustion.

The Mirror says that after going on a six hour “bender” the night before filming her new movie, Lindsay felt exhausted.

We look on is horror as Lindsay is taken at speed to the emergency room of a Los Angeles hospital.

“She was overheated and dehydrated,” says her spokeswoman. “She was filming in 105F weather for 12 hours.”

And this is not the first time Lindsay has been hospitalised for exhaustion.

Looking past the pictures of Lindsay on a night out in LA nightclub Guy’s Bar – Lindsay is dancing and singing with pal Nicole Richie, who is wearing her knickers over her jeans – the Mirror looks at Lindsay’s medical notes.

We learn that Lindsay was treated for exhaustion while filming on the set of Herbie: Fully Loaded back in October 2004.

And now she’s exhausted again. At the hospital doctors gave Lindsay injections and told her to go home. So, as the paper says, she went to Il Sole’s restaurant – where she may or may not live.

Posted: 28th, July 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink