
Anorak News | It’s A Bit Ofcom

It’s A Bit Ofcom

by | 9th, August 2006

Gyny is assured of a place in the Big Brother final. And with Pete and Glyn seemingly safe, it means any two of Aisleyne, Richard and Imogen will be out on Friday.

Which will leave the final to be contested between Pete, Glyn, Gyny and Nikki.

And then Big Brother will tell us halfway through the final week that the winner is actually Bonn-eh, who was the first person to leave the house. Hurrah!

Allowing old housemates back in is not a very good idea. And it has not gone down too well with the great unwashed. More than 1,000 people have complained to media watchdog Ofcom about it. But is that a lot?

Ofcom received 19 complaints about Richard Dawkins’ anti-religion documentary The Root of All Evil?

Ofcom received 226 complaints about Jonathan Ross’s interview with David Cameron during which Wossy asked the Tory leader: “But did you or did you not have a w*** thinking ‘Margaret Thatcher’”?

More than 7,940 people complained to Ofcom before Jerry Springer: The Opera was shown on BBC Two, followed by a further 8,860 afterwards. Steven Green, from Christian Voice, said of the musical: "This is a show that portrays Jesus Christ as a sexual pervert, dressed in a nappy, who says he’s a little bit gay, an impotent old fool.”

A thousand disgruntled souls is not all that many. But the key thing is that none of the other shows invited the viewers to part with their cash.

But not to worry – the vote to get housemates back in will see all "profits" go to chari-dee. At the time of writing, a Big Brother drone tells us that “almost £150,000 has already been raised for charity from this vote alone".

So that’s all right then. So long as the needy will benefit – and the show and the phone operators can cover their costs – we can all dig deep and get voting.

Or we could all phone Ofcom instead and see if we can get our money back…

Posted: 9th, August 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink